My Bookshelf
These are the books currently on my shelves. I'm quite proud of the collection that I have put together so far, there's some great books in there. I'm sort of going through a phase of buying so-called classics, which goes some way to explain the more random entries here. The unread ones are highlighted.
- A -
- Atwood, Margaret - Handmaid's Tale, The;
- B -
- Barry, Max - Jennifer Government;
- Blincoe, Nicholas and Thorne, Matt (eds) - All Hail The New Puritans;
- Borchert, Wolfgang - Draussen vor der Tur;
- Bracewell, Michael - The Nineties (UNFINISHED);
- Bryson, Bill - Lost Continent, The & Neither Here Nor There;
- C -
- Cooper, James Fenimore - Last Of The Mohicans, The (UNREAD);
- Crombie, David - World's Stupidest Laws, The;
- D -
- Dahl, Roald - Kiss Kiss;
- Dante - Divine Comedy, The (UNFINISHED);
- Darwin, Charles - Origin Of Species, The (UNFINISHED);
- Dostoyevsky, Fyodor - Crime And Punishment (UNFINISHED);
- E -
- Ellis, Bret Easton - American Psycho; Glamorama (UNFINISHED);
- G -
- Gibbons, Stella - Cold Comfort Farm;
- H -
- Harris, Thomas - Hannibal; Red Dragon; Silence Of The Lambs, The;
- Hawking, Stephen - Black Holes and Baby Universes;
- Heller, Joseph - Closing Time (UNREAD);
- Homer - Iliad, The (UNREAD);
- K -
- Klein, Naomi - No Logo;
- L -
- Legrain, Philippe - Open World;
- M -
- McDonnell, Nick - Twelve;
- Marx, Karl - Communist Manifesto, The;
- Melville, Herman - Moby Dick;
- Miller, David (ed) - Tell Me Lies;
- Moore, Tim - Do Not Pass Go;
- O -
- O'Farrell, John - Global Village Idiot;
- Orwell, George - Nineteen Eighty-Four;
- P -
- Palahniuk, Chuck - Fight Club;
- Palast, Greg - The Best Democracy Money Can Buy;
- Plato - Republic (UNFINISHED) (Loaned Out);
- Popcorn, Faith and Hanft, Adam - Dictionary Of The Future;
- Pratchett, Terry - Carpe Jugulum; Colour Of Magic, The; Fifth Elephant, The; Jingo; Light Fantastic, The; Lords And Ladies; Night Watch;
- Q -
- Quart, Alissa - Branded;
- R -
- Rankin, Robert - Antipope, The; Brentford Triangle, The; Fandom Of The Operator, The; Waiting For Godalming;
- Rhinehart, Luke - Dice Man, The;
- S -
- Salinger, J.D - Catcher In The Rye, The;
- Schlosser, Eric - Fast Food Nation;
- Shakespeare, William - Much Ado About Nothing;
- Singh, Simon - Fermat's Last Theorem;
- Stern, D.A - Blair Witch Project, The : A Dossier;
- Stiglitz, Joseph - Globalization And Its Discontents;
- Stoker, Bram - Dracula;
- T -
- Thurber, James - Lanterns And Lances (UNREAD);
- Tolstoy, Leo - War And Peace (UNREAD);
- W -
- Webb, Mary - Precious Bane;
- Welsh, Irvine - Porno; Trainspotting;
- Wilde, Oscar - Picture Of Dorian Grey, The;
- Wilson, Stephen - The Bloomsbury Book Of The Mind (UNFINISHED);
- Wycherley, William - Country Wife, The;
Past Reading
These are the books that I have read and enjoyed in the relatively recent past. I've probably forgotten some great books, but if I ever get a sudden recollection of them, I shall add them to the list.
- A -
- Adams, Douglas - Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The; Mostly Harmless;
- B -
- Blake, William - Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience;
- Bryson, Bill - A Walk In The Woods; Down Under; Made In America; Notes From A Small Island; Mother Tongue;
- Burnett, Frances Hodgson - Secret Garden, The;
- C -
- Conan Doyle, Arthur - Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes, The;
- Crichton, Michael - Jurassic Park; Lost World, The;
- E -
- Elton, Ben - Gridlock; Popcorn;
- F -
- Fielding, Helen - Bridget Jones' Diary;
- G -
- Garland, Alex - Beach, The;
- H -
- Heller, Joseph - Catch-22;
- Hornby, Nick - About A Boy; Fever Pitch;
- M -
- McNab, Andy - Bravo Two Zero;
- P -
- Palin, Michael - Pole To Pole;
- Pratchett, Terry - Eric; Feet Of Clay; Good Omens; Guards! Guards!; Hogfather; Interesting Times; Last Continent, The; Maskerade; Men At Arms; Mort; Moving Pictures; Pyramids; Small Gods; Sourcery; Truth, The;
- R -
- Ryan, Chris - One That Got Away, The; Watchman, The;
- S -
- Shakespeare, William - A Midsummer Night's Dream; Macbeth; Othello;
- T -
- Twain, Mark - Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, The;