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Thursday, August 5

In Response To...

Further to the somewhat helpful comments in the message box to the right, I've decided not to carry on with the final couple of days' worth of writing-up from work a few weeks back.

As it was pointed out, if I'm not 100% interested in writing what happened to me, it's not going to be particularly interesting to read. When I write about shit that has happened, it's normally because I want to and sometimes even need to.

Recently, however, it's been more of a case of writing for the sake of completeness. I've got behind in my writing here, and I want to fill in the gaps. I guess it's because of my desire to publish my entire life, even the boring bits. Yes, there are indeed boring bits in my life, just as there are in every single other person on this planet's lives.

I merely choose to include those parts in my blog, not just the interesting / exciting parts. Sometimes the boring parts can be interesting to read, in that a reader can compare my boring sequences to those in their own lives. We all have them, but how do we escape from them, even for the briefest of moments?

I like to explore that area, even if it is only through detailing what does happen to me during these boring times. Maybe through these writings, I can avoid similar periods in the future, by recognising the symptoms and avoiding the causes.

Well, maybe. Let's see how things develop.

Anyway, with that in mind, I have indeed decided to skip the last few days of work from whenever it was, and instead am going to write up something I wrote in my notebook during the last few days. I've been taking my notebook with me on the Tube, which gives me time to write (between sweating...). Hence I've ended up with 13+ pages on my trip home, which now follows. Enjoy.

Or skip it, whatever. Praise be to apathy.


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