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Wednesday, July 14

The Dreaded Exam Results

Note: This is the post I wrote last night that Bl*gger promptly lost. I hate rewriting things like this, so I apologise in advance if it's a little brief or short with descriptions... Why is it the one time I don't copy my post before I hit the publish button that Bl*gger crashes and loses the post? Grrr.

Excuse me for a brief moment, but I'm going to be so self-centred that I am going to quote myself in my own writing. I wrote a few days, with regards to finding out that I'd passed my year of study:
Remember last year how I was ecstatic at passing, but then thoroughly deflated the next day with my marks? Stay tuned for a repeat performance.

Well, this is the tale of that deflation.

It got to Tuesday of last week, and I still hadn't received my individual module results through the post. I was getting a little nervous, expecting the worst, as per my usual pessimistic view on these kind of things. They were supposed to have been posted on the Thursday or Friday, and you would have expected even the dire Royal Mail to have managed to deliver them by Tuesday.

I figured that they might have been delivered to my parents' house, so I gave them a ring. Incidentally, I've found myself now referring to my old home as "my parents' house", rather than "home", which I guess means that I've finally moved out and moved on. Perhaps even grown up? Well, maybe not that much.

She hadn't got them yet, so I then rang the Law School at King's to find out exactly what the fuck was going on. Of course, they weren't there, but I left my name and number on their answer machine, with a request that they ring me back as soon as they got the message.

I then wandered a little aimlessly around the living room, toying with the idea of hopping on a tube and going into King's in person, since you tend to get more results when you are looking someone directly in the eye. I also remembered that the office in the Law School takes lunch from 1 to 2, which is why no-one was there to take my call.

I had to be at work in the early evening, but I figured that I'd might as well go in to get these goddamn exam results. I grabbed my iPod, picked up a newspaper on the way, and switched off on the Tube for 45 minutes.

It took approximately 30 seconds to sort things out when I got there. I went to the office, gave them my name, and mentioned that I'd left a message for them. I asked if I could have my exam results, and the guy there told me that they'd been posted the day before (Monday). If I hadn't received them that morning, they'd be there on Wednesday.

That would have been nearly 2 hours of my time wasted then...

I decided to at least relax in the glorious sunshine for a little while before heading home and then back into the centre for work. I grabbed a couple of things from my pigeon hole, including the incredibly dire and badly written law school students' publication, King's Bench, stopped off at a newsagent for the new Private Eye and a bottle of Lucozade, and then made my way down to Victoria Gardens.

Victoria Gardens are by the river near Charing Cross station, and they're one of my favourite places in London. The entire area around them is manically busy, but they are a little idyllic oasis in which to relax and chill out for half an hour or so.

Unfortunately, I'm not the only person who knows this, and on this particular day, half of the workers in Central London were also there. It was mobbed, with barely a blade of grass not being sat on. Somehow I found a bench to sit on, which was a bit of a surprise, and I plonked my ass down.


Sorry, got to go to work. I'll finish this off tonight / tomorrow, as well as a few other posts that I've got running around my head. I will return, honest!


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