Thursday, January 15
I know I haven't posted in a while, been, well, not posting. Oh, and not writing essays. Yay.
I thought I'd share with you all a little perfect moment that I had this morning on my way to uni. I was in Westminster tube station, changing lines from the Jubilee to District line to get to my uni. I had my CD player on, and the Fugees' The Score album on. Just before I stepped onto the tube, Killing Me Softly came on. It's not my favourite tune from the album (that would be Fugee-La), but I like the song.
Anyway, it has this little intro thing, then goes silent for a split-second before Lauryn Hill sings the opening line acapella: "Strumming my pain with his finger..."
I got onto the tube, and it was all noisy with people moving about. The door made a big noise as it shit too behind me, but then it suddenly went completely silent in the carriage. The great thing was that it was at the exact same moment as the split-second silence before the first line of the song. So, I had this moment of complete background silence, and all I could hear was Lauryn Hill's voice singing that first line. It carried so much more weight than usual, and was absolutely perfect for the moment. I can't describe fully just how amazing that 1 or 2 second period was, but I know that it was perfect.
It is these moments that we all live for. The moments where everything is right in the world, and everything is tranquil. We live in these moments, the rest of the time is just travelling to the next one. Islands in a sea of monotony and disruption, if those two concepts can be reconciled in such a manner. And yes, I'm waxing lyrical. And yes, I'm enjoying it.