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Thursday, November 20

It Gets Worse To Get Better

Almost missed another tutorial this morning. My alarm went off at 8.15, so I switched it off, rolled over and fell asleep again. Not deliberately, I might add. I woke up again with a start, checked the clock, and it was 9.15. Bear in mind that I usually leave the house at 9.00 on a Thursday in order to make it to the class on time. I've never got ready so quickly in all my life. I skipped a shower, which I hate doing because it means my hair feels horrible for the rest of the day (I run my fingers through my hair a lot, so I know these things), and somehow managed to get to the class on time. I've never moved as quickly through Westminster tube station between the Jubilee and Circle lines!

I'm glad I made it in on time actually, because it was a good class, all about prosecuting (or not) doctors for killing patients / hastening their deaths. Very interesting stuff, and good for some lively debate (are doctors so important to the public good that they should be accorded higher protection from the criminal law?). My Criminology lecture was also very entertaining, all about a study on the Metropolitan Police and how (in)efficient they are. I definitely like Criminology and Advanced Criminal Law.

As you can no doubt tell from the time of this post, I didn't make it to the Anti-Bush march. Just too many anti-war types around. They annoy me far too much to spend a decent amount of time with.

Plus I was hungry.

Hence I find myself once more in the library, sitting at a computer in an attempt to get no work done. So far I have succeeded for the best part of 2 hours. I have been doing some worthwhile stuff though, posting on RAGE and reading about the news at BBC News and Sky News. They're my two main sources of news online, and newspaper-wise I tend to read The Independent, because it's very liberal, intelligent and comes in an easy-to-use tabloid size. Hurrah!

One thing I found on the Sky News site is the story that a Russian pub held a competition to see who could drink the most vodka. One person died, 5 are in hospital, and the losers came back the next day for some more alcohol. Genius.

Speaking of alcohol, we've (me and my housemates) finally decided what we're going to do in honour of my birthday. Nothing happened last night, because of my early morning start today (which I almost overslept anyway), and I was a little bit iffy about getting smashed on Friday night because of the ridiculously early start of the Rugby World Cup final. I mean, really?! Who schedules a final to start at 9am?! Anyway, I have been talked into going out Friday night, getting smashed and then staying up through the wee small hours before heading to the pub at 8.30am to start drinking again and to watch the rugby. Genius plan.

Finally, I read a chapter of my new book today which was so brilliant I'm going to re-read it again and again for ages. It's about the propaganda (read: "lies") that the British public were told pre-Iraq about the reasons for going to war. It's scary just how much we were lied to, and how the politicians kept changing their stories. I'm going to write a little piece on it over the weekend (if my liver doesn't force me into hospital), just to illustrate how much it means to me, and how much I view politicians (politics?) with disdain and distrust.

Until next time, sports fans.


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