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Thursday, June 19

I Rule

To quote from American Beauty...

And just why do I rule? Because I can get away with not getting out of bed until 1.30pm. Even my Mum didn't complain that much about it. This was because I was out last night for a few (many) drinks with a few amtes of mine that I hadn't seen for a while. We went to a couple of pubs in Seend, which is about 3 miles from where I live, and ended up drinking "Wacky" in a pub called The Brewery. It's called Wacky for a reason. It just completely fucks you up after only a couple of pints. Never mind that'd we had a few beers beforehand and some shots too...

We got the barman to fill up a (mostly) empty bottle of Famous Grouse with some more Wacky, then wandered off back into the village to Will's house so we could sleep there. The thing was, the school was on the way there, and the roof is really easy to get onto, even whilst inebriated. We sat up there for a little while, and started talking religion for some reason. I'm an atheist, and so is Robbie, but he was arguing that Christianity is the best religion because it is accepting of other faiths.

Anyway, got to pop out now, I'll finish this later... Back now, won 3 games of pool in a row. :)

Like I was saying, we were talking about religions, and I was saying that Christianity is anti-semitic by very definition. By having accepted Jesus as the Messiah / whatever, they are inherently different from Jews, who are still waiting for the Messiah. For some reason he couldn't accept this. Meh, no matter really. I like having debates, mainly because I don't always believe that my way / view is correct. I just enjoy picking holes in the opposition's arguments, sometimes without offering a counter-argument...

Back on with the tale of the evening. After getting back to Will's (I'll leave out the bit where they went and smoked some weed...) we crashed in the living room and put Jurassic Park on video on the TV. I hadn't seen that film in so long, and it is brilliant. Yes, the plot is fairly predictable, especially because everybody has seen it 100 times already, but try watching it as a piece of cinematic history and you'll realise just how good it and Spielberg is...

After that, I couldn't get to sleep, because I was on the world's smallest sofa ever, so I decided that I'd walk home and go to sleep in my bed. Only a 20 minute walk, I thought. 45 minutes later I just about made it to my front door... Stupid long walk along a main road at 3.30am. Hence me not waking up until 1.30 this afternoon.

Anyway, that was the story of my day. It actually seems really unexciting when I read it over, but it was good fun whilst it was happening... Same again Saturday night I reckon: I've heard of plans to go to Bath and get smashed. This is after an afternoon of golf and then a meal as well. Bye bye bank balance. But why else does money exist if not to be spent?

Orbital - Tunnel Trance
P Diddy - Let's Get Ill
Dizzie Rascal - I Luv U
Missy Elliott - Gossip Folks (Remix)

Oh, and can you all vote in the poll on the right? A three-way tie at the moment...


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