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Tuesday, September 7

Another Flying Visit

Once again, I haven't got time to write a proper post here, this time because I'm going to the swimming pool for a lazy afternoon.

Suffice it to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying myself here, have made loads of friends from all over the world already, and successfully arrived at my first two days' classes hungover. Start as you mean to go on, and all that!

Anyway, I'll write something more substantial at some point, I promise!

Bis dann...

Sunday, September 5

Still Here, Still Struggling

Hmmm, so I still don't have internet in my room yet, which is a little annoying. I shall have to buy a LAN cable tomorrow, because, judging by the conversation that I had with the guy at the university Rechzentrum (computer building), I should be ready to get the university network installed on my laptop. Now if only I wasn't so lazy, I could've got the cable already. Damn my lack of forward-thinking.

In other news, I have settled into my room at the university halls. It's here if anyone is that interested. The big problem with it (other than no internet yet) is that there is barely anybody on my floor yet. I've met 2 people, and I think that there may be 1 more floating around, but that's it as yet. With 15 rooms on the floor, it feels quite, quite empty.

It also isn't helping my German skills, because I'm barely speaking to anyone at all, let alone speaking German to anybody. The furthest I get is a simple exchange of "hello"s at the shop or something. It's clearly not enough at the moment.

It probably didn't help matters then, that I had a test yesterday for the language course that I'm going to be taking throughout September. It utterly destroyed any fragile self-confidence that I had in my German, completely and utterly.

But anyway, I must be leaving now. I'll finish this off another time. For now, I'm making friends. English ones, admittedly, but friends nonetheless.
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